Access Control List
Mosets Tree has comprehensive support for Joomla ACL that gives you fine grain control on which user groups has permission to perform tasks within your Mosets Tree directory. This includes permission on creating listings & categories, rating, reviews, contact, recommend, report and claim.
It's important to note that you still need to make sure the feature in Mosets Tree's Configuration are enabled or disabled when you change permission in Mosets Tree.
You can access Mosets Tree's Permissions at:
Joomla's Global Configuration Mosets Tree
You can find a link to the same page in Mosets Tree's Configuration, under the Permission tab.
View Access Levels
With Joomla's View Access Levels, you can specify the view level for top level categories, listing details and custom fields. For example, you can restrict your listing details page to your special group of suppliers or allow downloads of your floor plan PDFs to a higher privileged user groups.
Category View Access Level
Category's view access level is only available to top level categories.
To access this configuration:
- Edit a top level category in Mosets Tree's back-end.
- Click on Category Configuration tab.
- Select the Main panel.
- Check the checkbox for View access level.
- Select which user levels has access to the category.
Category's View access level will affect the user ability to view the top level category, including all its sub-categories and related listings pages such as Recently Added, Popular and Advanced Search. Note that listings published to the category are still accessible and not affected in any way by the category's view access level.
Listing Details View Access Level
Listing details' view access level allows you to control who can click in to a listing to view the listing details page.
To access this configuration:
- Edit a top level category in Mosets Tree's back-end.
- Click on Category Configuration tab.
- Select the Listing panel.
- Check the checkbox for Listing details view access level.
- Select which user levels has access to listing details.
This will only affect your users ability to view listing details page.
Custom Fields View & Edit Access Levels
Custom fields' view access level allows you to control who can view a field (caption and output) in front-end. You can use this, for example, to show a basic set of listing information to Public user group, while showing all listing information to logged in customers only.
Custom fields' edit access level allows you to control who can edit a field in front-end. You can use this, for example, to offer different types of listing package to your users, where only Premium user can upload attachments.
To access these configuration, go to:
- Go to Mosets Tree Custom Fields
- Edit a custom field.
- Change the access level at View access level or Edit access level.
Managers are users who can create, edit or delete listings in front-end, even when they do not own the listings. This allows you to assign user groups to manage your directory.
To configure your managers, go to Mosets Tree Permission.
This will configure managers for your entire directory. You can also assign managers to manage your top level categories:
- Edit a top level category in Mosets Tree's back-end.
- Click on Category Configuration tab.
- Select the Permission panel.
- Check one or more of the permission you want to override and then check the corresponding user groups checkboxes you want to assign as the managers.
Edit listing and Delete listing permission lets you control if your managers can edit and delete listings respectively.
Similarly, Managers' Create listing permission lets you control if your managers can create listings. You may recall that the Permissions has a similar permission with the same name. This is a permission configured under Joomla's Configuration and applies directory-wide to all users. When you have 2 different permissions configured to the same user group, the managers permissions will be used.
With Managers' Create listing permission, you setup your directory in such a way the only a particular set of user groups can submit to one or more top level categories. An example setup that achieves this is configured as follows:
- First, disable users' permission to create listing. This sets up a blank slate to let us choose who can create listings in what categories later on. To do disable all users permission to create listing:
- Go to Mosets Tree's back-end Configuration.
- Click on Permission tab.
- Click on the Edit Permissions... button.
- For both Public and Registered user groups, set their Create Listing permission to Denied.
- Click the Save button to save the changes.
- Next, edit a top level category.
- Click on Category Configuration tab.
- Select the Permission panel.
- Check the checkbox for Create listings.
- Finally, select one or more user groups next to the Create listings label. These are the user groups you want to grant permission to create listings in front-end. Remember, we are editing a top level category's configuration, so this permission only applies to this top level category and all its sub-categories.
- Click the Save button to save the changes.